A blog about running, raising twins, and life in general
Monday, October 22, 2012
What? I actually ran a race?!
Well... four years later, I finally ran a 5k!
My wife's birthday is tomorrow (well, in 15 minutes it'll be today) and she said she wanted me to run a 5k with her.
So we signed up and I ran it.
Well, I use the term "run" loosely. I jogged it. As in, I wasn't walking. There were people who were walking who were ahead of us for much of the race (full disclosure, we got there a couple of minutes late and so we didn't start when everyone else did, so EVERYONE was ahead of us when we started).
We ran (jogged) the whole thing. I stopped one time to take off my coat (and my headphones got stuck and twisted all around.
But I was pretty happy with this, especially because I barely trained for it. I went out about a month ago and ran/walked a mile, then I went out two weeks ago and ran a mile on an indoor track and then last week I ran on the indoor track again... well, I'm not sure how far. I know I ran a mile, but it was 12 laps to a mile and I lost track... but it was somewhere between a mile and a half and 2 miles.
So, ramping it up to 3.1 miles was a bit of a stretch... but I kept a pretty (pedestrian) pace the whole time of about 15 minutes per mile and ended up with a time of 47:13. LINK
It's crazy... when I was in high school my fastest mile time was 5:40 and I ran a 5k in 20:41. LINK
That seems (and feels) like so long ago... but I'd love to get back into some sort of shape where I can go out and run a little bit and not be absolutely floored when I'm done.
Even though I felt pretty good (though tired) on Saturday after the race, it was Sunday that I was really hurting... especially my shins.
I guess that's just motivation to work harder in training so the actual races don't hurt as much!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Still at it...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Back at it!
Well... it's been a while, but I decided that it's time to start figuring out what I'm putting in my body and try to slim down a bit.
After all, I'm no spring chicken... 30 is coming up this June and everything...
This is where we're starting:

Things have... changed a bit since I last kept track, but I'm back on the wagon, so to speak.
So I'm trying out Weight Watchers (WW from now on) and seeing what happens!
Wish me luck!
After all, I'm no spring chicken... 30 is coming up this June and everything...
This is where we're starting:

Things have... changed a bit since I last kept track, but I'm back on the wagon, so to speak.
So I'm trying out Weight Watchers (WW from now on) and seeing what happens!
Wish me luck!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I found this blog post:
and thought it was a great perspective compared with what the national media has thrown in our faces with the economy lately. I think it would be amazing if people started hearing this... and did what it actually said and bought low. It would drive the prices up (which would help the people who bought low even more!) and the nay-sayers wouldn't be able to say nay anymore because one of their all-hell-is-breaking-loose barometers is saying that hell is nicely reined-in, thank you very much!
I thought about this a few months ago with Walgreens stock... it was at about $22... It has jumped back up to over $31. That's a 41% return in about 3 months. I didn't make the move because I'd like to keep the two pennies that I managed to scrounge up to scrape together (helps the boys go to sleep)... but it seems like there's money to be made right now. Walgreens sure isn't going to go away... and this "downturn" isn't going to last forever (well, unless the government makes decisions that PREVENT us from being able to recover natually...).
and thought it was a great perspective compared with what the national media has thrown in our faces with the economy lately. I think it would be amazing if people started hearing this... and did what it actually said and bought low. It would drive the prices up (which would help the people who bought low even more!) and the nay-sayers wouldn't be able to say nay anymore because one of their all-hell-is-breaking-loose barometers is saying that hell is nicely reined-in, thank you very much!
I thought about this a few months ago with Walgreens stock... it was at about $22... It has jumped back up to over $31. That's a 41% return in about 3 months. I didn't make the move because I'd like to keep the two pennies that I managed to scrounge up to scrape together (helps the boys go to sleep)... but it seems like there's money to be made right now. Walgreens sure isn't going to go away... and this "downturn" isn't going to last forever (well, unless the government makes decisions that PREVENT us from being able to recover natually...).
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Welcome to summer...?
So, this one time, I used to have this blog that I posted on... it was pretty good for me because it kept me going with certain things that I wanted to do, like run and work out... but then I stopped. Life got in the way. Or at least that was my excuse.
I've discovered something about myself. I'm an idea guy. I come up with great ideas about things that I should do.

But I'm not really a doer. I was going to run a 5k last fall. I did about half the training I was supposed to do... but then life got in the way and I stopped. And I didn't run the 5k. Then I was going to do the 100 push up challenge. I got through 2(?) weeks. Then I stopped. I did manage to get through a whole church basketball league (Champions!) but then, when I was going to train for another 5k (that was today) and do the 100 push up challenge... I didn't.
I've got plenty of excuses... namely these guys:

Here's a prime example. I started writing this yesterday while the dudes were napping... and then they got up. So I played with them for a while and never got a chance to come back and finish this, because I had to work last night from 3-11.
But things are going to change. For real this time. Because I got a new job! On June 15th I'm starting a job that allows me to use my major and is an office job. It's a nice raise and an 8:30-5:00 job, so my weekends will be off and I'll be home for bedtime stuff with the kids. The other thing this will allow is for me to have a normal schedule. With my old job, I worked 9-5 on Monday, 4-11 on Tuesday, 9-5 on Thursday, 2-10 on Friday and 3-11 on Saturday. I didn't have a weekend and I couldn't get into a rhythm because I worked later than I wanted to actually be going to bed on certain nights.
I'm hoping to switch my schedule around and get to bed at maybe 11 at the latest, maybe 10. The kids get up so early in the morning (and they go down at about 7) that it doesn't make any sense to not get sleep while they're sleeping. That allows me to maximize my time with them and maximize my sleep too.
Last Sunday in our Pastor's sermon, he talked about how he realized that everything he did after a certain point (I think it was 10:00) was pretty much just wasted time. It wasn't that he was doing bad things, per say, but he wasn't doing anything useful. So he started going to bed earlier and getting up earlier and thus he was productive for more of his waking hours (and ultimately less selfish too).
So, once my job starts I'm going to work towards getting on a "normal" schedule. This will mean getting up quite a bit earlier than I need to in the morning to allow me to eat breakfast, maybe go for a run, shower, spend some time with God and my family and then head off to work (not rushed).
Because of this job change, it puts school on the back burner. I may still take a class, but I certainly won't be able to take a full load. That might be good, though. School was becoming a purely academic pursuit for me and I definitely don't want that out of my seminary experience. I was just squeaking by and even though I managed to get all B's last semester, I didn't get out of my classes everything I could have if I had spent more time on things. But... that's really tough working full time and being a full time dad!
More to come about this change... My last two days at the pharmacy are Monday and Tuesday, then I have the rest of the week off before I start on the 15th!
I've discovered something about myself. I'm an idea guy. I come up with great ideas about things that I should do.

But I'm not really a doer. I was going to run a 5k last fall. I did about half the training I was supposed to do... but then life got in the way and I stopped. And I didn't run the 5k. Then I was going to do the 100 push up challenge. I got through 2(?) weeks. Then I stopped. I did manage to get through a whole church basketball league (Champions!) but then, when I was going to train for another 5k (that was today) and do the 100 push up challenge... I didn't.
I've got plenty of excuses... namely these guys:

Here's a prime example. I started writing this yesterday while the dudes were napping... and then they got up. So I played with them for a while and never got a chance to come back and finish this, because I had to work last night from 3-11.
But things are going to change. For real this time. Because I got a new job! On June 15th I'm starting a job that allows me to use my major and is an office job. It's a nice raise and an 8:30-5:00 job, so my weekends will be off and I'll be home for bedtime stuff with the kids. The other thing this will allow is for me to have a normal schedule. With my old job, I worked 9-5 on Monday, 4-11 on Tuesday, 9-5 on Thursday, 2-10 on Friday and 3-11 on Saturday. I didn't have a weekend and I couldn't get into a rhythm because I worked later than I wanted to actually be going to bed on certain nights.
I'm hoping to switch my schedule around and get to bed at maybe 11 at the latest, maybe 10. The kids get up so early in the morning (and they go down at about 7) that it doesn't make any sense to not get sleep while they're sleeping. That allows me to maximize my time with them and maximize my sleep too.
Last Sunday in our Pastor's sermon, he talked about how he realized that everything he did after a certain point (I think it was 10:00) was pretty much just wasted time. It wasn't that he was doing bad things, per say, but he wasn't doing anything useful. So he started going to bed earlier and getting up earlier and thus he was productive for more of his waking hours (and ultimately less selfish too).
So, once my job starts I'm going to work towards getting on a "normal" schedule. This will mean getting up quite a bit earlier than I need to in the morning to allow me to eat breakfast, maybe go for a run, shower, spend some time with God and my family and then head off to work (not rushed).
Because of this job change, it puts school on the back burner. I may still take a class, but I certainly won't be able to take a full load. That might be good, though. School was becoming a purely academic pursuit for me and I definitely don't want that out of my seminary experience. I was just squeaking by and even though I managed to get all B's last semester, I didn't get out of my classes everything I could have if I had spent more time on things. But... that's really tough working full time and being a full time dad!
More to come about this change... My last two days at the pharmacy are Monday and Tuesday, then I have the rest of the week off before I start on the 15th!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Push up Challenge, End of week 1 (in week 2?)
So I know what my problem is... it's consistency. I was supposed to do days 1, 2, and 3 all in the same week. Day 1 was last Sunday, Day 2 was that Wednesday (forgot to hit "post" on my blog post... that's why it came Thursday!)... and then Day 3 was supposed to come Thursday. Or Friday. Or Saturday. Or, heck, even Sunday.
But no. It came Monday. So now I have fewer days to do week 2... and so I'm behind.
Because I'm a bum!

That's the same thing that happened to me with the Couch-to-5k last fall. I started... and I made some early progress... but then I didn't follow up. BAH.
So, anyway... I did day 3 of week 1 of the Push Up Challenge. As could probably be expected, it was a bit tougher than if I hadn't taken the last half of last week off... but oh well.
Oh another note... I've gotta start gearing up because I'm looking to run another 5k. This time, I actually want to do it!

The "Run for the Animals" for Cosley Zoo in Wheaton is the first (well... and only) 5k and 10k I have ever run and I've promised a friend I will run it with her. I suddenly realized that it is in a month and a half (June 6th) so I'd better get a move on! Thankfully I've been playing basketball for the past several weeks so I'm starting off in better shape than last fall... but still, I've gotta get running. There's nothing like church league basketball to help you break a sweat... and then give you an excuse NOT to run up and down the court 1 or 2 times to catch your breath! If my plan is to run a 5k (i.e. RUN the whole darn thing!) then I'd better start working!
Here's a little info about the run for Cosley:
But no. It came Monday. So now I have fewer days to do week 2... and so I'm behind.
Because I'm a bum!

That's the same thing that happened to me with the Couch-to-5k last fall. I started... and I made some early progress... but then I didn't follow up. BAH.
So, anyway... I did day 3 of week 1 of the Push Up Challenge. As could probably be expected, it was a bit tougher than if I hadn't taken the last half of last week off... but oh well.
Oh another note... I've gotta start gearing up because I'm looking to run another 5k. This time, I actually want to do it!

The "Run for the Animals" for Cosley Zoo in Wheaton is the first (well... and only) 5k and 10k I have ever run and I've promised a friend I will run it with her. I suddenly realized that it is in a month and a half (June 6th) so I'd better get a move on! Thankfully I've been playing basketball for the past several weeks so I'm starting off in better shape than last fall... but still, I've gotta get running. There's nothing like church league basketball to help you break a sweat... and then give you an excuse NOT to run up and down the court 1 or 2 times to catch your breath! If my plan is to run a 5k (i.e. RUN the whole darn thing!) then I'd better start working!
Here's a little info about the run for Cosley:
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hundred Pushups
Well... last week didn't go great for the hundred push ups. I only did the initial test and day one... and then got busy...? lazy...? I dunno what happened!
Well, this week, we started on Sunday with day 1 off of the initial test last week. My wife and I are doing the two hundred sit ups too... so she's the other half of the "we!" I made a mistake by doing the sit ups first so I was too tired for my push ups and had to bump down to the middle group as opposed to the far right group. When I initially did my test, I got 11... which is just barely in the far right group as it is, so I figured I would just do the middle group on hundredpushups week 1. Today I did day 2 and managed to max out with 8... one more than the required 7.
Sit ups are next. When we initially did the test, we did a whole bunch... but I'm used to doing sit ups (well, crunches, technically) for a limited period of time, like the Presidential Challenge fitness tests we used to do in grade school. I always managed to do decently well in those... but the situps I did were for speed, not for form. ...So, we decided to just start from week 1 and go from there instead of what the plan suggested... Based on the number of situps we did initially, we were supposed to jump to week 3. But we decided to do week 1 with good form. I can actually feel it in my abs doing it this way!
Since I'm blogging about working out, I should do a weigh-in too...
Down a bit from last time... but still pretty much stagnant. I need to schedule in regular workouts. Every 3 days just isn't going to cut it.
The weather has started to get a bit nicer... it was in the 50's today, but it is supposed to get a bit chilly again tomorrow. Such is spring in Chicago!
Well, this week, we started on Sunday with day 1 off of the initial test last week. My wife and I are doing the two hundred sit ups too... so she's the other half of the "we!" I made a mistake by doing the sit ups first so I was too tired for my push ups and had to bump down to the middle group as opposed to the far right group. When I initially did my test, I got 11... which is just barely in the far right group as it is, so I figured I would just do the middle group on hundredpushups week 1. Today I did day 2 and managed to max out with 8... one more than the required 7.
Sit ups are next. When we initially did the test, we did a whole bunch... but I'm used to doing sit ups (well, crunches, technically) for a limited period of time, like the Presidential Challenge fitness tests we used to do in grade school. I always managed to do decently well in those... but the situps I did were for speed, not for form. ...So, we decided to just start from week 1 and go from there instead of what the plan suggested... Based on the number of situps we did initially, we were supposed to jump to week 3. But we decided to do week 1 with good form. I can actually feel it in my abs doing it this way!
Since I'm blogging about working out, I should do a weigh-in too...
Down a bit from last time... but still pretty much stagnant. I need to schedule in regular workouts. Every 3 days just isn't going to cut it.
The weather has started to get a bit nicer... it was in the 50's today, but it is supposed to get a bit chilly again tomorrow. Such is spring in Chicago!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Save $15 on H&R Block for your 2008 taxes!
Do you use H&R Block to do your taxes?
Just print out the page from the following link and bring it with you when you do your taxes. It's as easy as that!
Just print out the page from the following link and bring it with you when you do your taxes. It's as easy as that!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
100 Push ups... Let's try this again!
A while ago, I said I was going to start the 100 push up challenge again... and I lasted all of two days.
Well, this week is a good we for me to get back to it, I think. For one, I don't have class this week, so I have an entire day off on Wednesday! Woo hoo! Also, we don't have basketball this week either because it is the local high school's spring break. Next week starts the tournament... my team comes in with a 5-1 record and the #1 seed. We lost the first game by 4 and then proceeded to beat each of the other teams by about 25. We had a bit of a rocky game last Thursday... we only won by 6 and couldn't hit a free throw to seal the game, but still managed to run the clock out on top!
Anyway, I think the basketball is doing me good... I did the initial test and did 12, 7 more than last time, which is good enough for the third column. I did day 1, week 1 today. Certainly is more of a workout than the last time I did it!
I also started the 200 sit up challenge. I did 44... though I think that I might need to focus more on form than simply quantity... The site suggests you start off with week 3 if you did more than 30, but I think I'm going to start off with week 1 and build myself up with good form.
Well, this week is a good we for me to get back to it, I think. For one, I don't have class this week, so I have an entire day off on Wednesday! Woo hoo! Also, we don't have basketball this week either because it is the local high school's spring break. Next week starts the tournament... my team comes in with a 5-1 record and the #1 seed. We lost the first game by 4 and then proceeded to beat each of the other teams by about 25. We had a bit of a rocky game last Thursday... we only won by 6 and couldn't hit a free throw to seal the game, but still managed to run the clock out on top!
Anyway, I think the basketball is doing me good... I did the initial test and did 12, 7 more than last time, which is good enough for the third column. I did day 1, week 1 today. Certainly is more of a workout than the last time I did it!
I also started the 200 sit up challenge. I did 44... though I think that I might need to focus more on form than simply quantity... The site suggests you start off with week 3 if you did more than 30, but I think I'm going to start off with week 1 and build myself up with good form.
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